My Scratch Stuff

Lab 1 Problem 2

Lab 1 Problem 1

Lab 1 Problem 3

Lab 1 Problem 4

Lab 1 Problem 5

Lab Overview

This was a simple project involving Scratch where we had the Sprite's move in basic movements. This included having the Sprite's glide across the screen, turn and rotate. We also had to make the background change for lab problem five.

My Solution

I was able to complete all 5 problems for lab one. For the first problem I have a cat which moves to the four corners of the screen. For problem 2, I have 6 frogs move in a hexagon shape. For problem 3, I have a crab draw a square, a hexagon, and a triangle. For the fourth problem I have 3 different sprites that I drew glide across the screen and for the last problem, the background changes while a witch glides across the screen.

Scratch Lab 1 Write-Up

Question 1: Animations

I viewed a Marion Kart and super hero themed Scratch project that had 34 sprite's with many different motions. I recognized most of the controls including the events to move to another location, the glide tool, the rotation movement and the continuous loop to make the sprite's keep moving.

Question 2:-Screen-1

The scratch screen is 480 pixels wide (240 pixels in the positive direction and 240 pixels in the negative direction) and 360 pixels tall (180 pixels up and 180 pixels down).

Question 3-Screen-2

The center of the scratch screen is at the origin of (0,0).

Question 4-Screen-3

The units of measurement are pixels.

Question 5-Sprite vs. Sprite

An unlimited amount of sprite's and stages can be put on scratch but with too mnay on at a time they will begin to overlap and cover each other.

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