Scratch Lab 7

Problem 1 is a distance problem where I have ball 1 fixed at the point (0,0) and ball 2 moves to a random spot on the screen when the green flag is clicked. Then the distance between the two balls is shown in the top right corner.

Problem 2 converts a measurement in feet into either inches or miles. If a measurement smaller than 5280 feet is given, the number is multiplied by 12 to give an inches measurement. If any other number is given, the measurement is divided by 5280 to give a miles measurement. I did this with an if-else statement.

Question 1

You get to define the blocks to perfroem the function you want and they are easy to control and use.

Question 2

Parameters are the area being dealt with in the problem, or the boundaries of the area.

Question 3

The distance formula

Question 4

When variables are not needed

Question 5

This program sets a list of things into alphabetical order. It is easy to tell by the name of the program.